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Packing Sizes: 

20, 25, 50, 210, 1000 Ltr IBC TANK. We are keeping a full range of ship hold cleaning chemicals which include sodium hypochlorite, Muriatic, Metal clean bright, Cement remover, Coal remover, Pet coke stain remover, Hold Block Slip polymer Barrier coat, and many more. We are one of the largest suppliers of hold cleaning chemicals in India and the Middle East.

ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER liquid always be wise decision to clean ship cargo hold. As before loading of cargo surveyor first demand is -  Holds must be thoroughly cleaned and dry and trace free of previous cargo in frames.

beams, girders, and other structure.

ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER plays very important role in hold cleaning and general digressing. It is a heavy duty non-corrosive concentrated cleaning compound soluble in fresh and salt water , also suitable with high presure cleanig machines.

Product Application: 

Most Helpfull cleaner for preparation of a cargo hold. In general cleaning of vessel's cargo holds ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER plays very important role in washing down with use of chemicals.  ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER classified as Marine Chemicals, Cleaning Chemicals; Cargo Hold Cleaning detergent.

Product Dose: 

Refer this link for complete set of HOLD CLEANING KIT  :::

The Importance High-Pressure Cleaning

The job of high-pressure cleaning can be done easier & quicker by simply using ALKAATUFF High Foam CLEANER incorrect dosages. Using a high-pressure cleaner alone, without any CLEANER, will not  achieve  optimal cleaning results High-pressure cleaning primarily refers to cleaning of Hard  surfaces, such  as Decks, Tanks, Engine-rooms, etc. and in the majority of cases the cleaning is done according to the so-called two-step method:

Step 1:  Spraying the  ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER over the area to be cleaned.
Step 2:   Washing down the area using a high-pressure water jet.

After the ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER has been sprayed on the surface and before the wash down begins, the chemicals penetrate & thoroughly moistens dirt & other grime. During wash down, the ALKAATUFF High Foam CLEANER thoroughly dissolves the particles of dirt, even oil and fat, in the water spray and thus achieves optimal cleaning results.In addition to being more effective, the use of ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER substantially reduces the time required for the Cleaning operation, as well as preventing dirt from reforming on the surface. The use of ALKAATUFF High Foam CLEANER in correct dosages is half the job done.

General Cleaning :- ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER can be used for all types of cleaning &  degreasing & may  be applied by  Brush, Hand spray, high and low-pressure washing machines etc. Time necessary for cleaning depends on the nature and thickness of the deposits. 20-30 min. will suffice for   most applications. Hardened, carbonised or aged deposits may require up to 4 hours. If  the cleaning solution is not heavily contaminated, it may be re-used at a later stage. If allowed to cool, the de-gassing procedure must be repeated. Depending on the degree of contamination ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER should be mixed with warm water at a rate of 50-200 ml   per 10 litres. i.e. 1 cup of ALKAATUFF High Foam CLEANER to a bucket of water. The ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER solution can be applied  simply by mops, brushes or rags, or by dipping the soiled articles into  the ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER solution. After cleaning, rinse off with cold or warm water. Due to high foaming properties, ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER is not recommended for washing machines. 

20-50 % with fresh water .             Also acts as an acid-neutralizing agent for Boiler & Colling systems during cleaning & maintenance.
Heavy Soil deposition                    Use Undiluted from to 20-50% diluted with water. 
Medium soil deposition                 10-20%  diluted with water. 
Light Soil ( general degreasing )   5-10% diluted with water.

Product Note: 
ALKAATUFF High Foam CLEANER is absolutely free along with the purchase of Slip Barrier Coat - Hold block materials. ALKAATUFF High foam Free 1000 Ltr against 1000 Ltrs purchase of Slip Barrier Coat Plus at our Mumbai, Visakhapatnam, Ennore, Kolkata, Kandla - Gandhidham, Fujairah - Gulf.

For degreasing and removal of residues of minerals oil , coal stain and soot from surface.
superior & powerful alkaline cleaner. It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily  matter & having good foaming qualities. It is free from Hydrocarbon solvents , Biodegradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials .
Safety Phrases
S-2 Keep out of the reach of children.
S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
S-36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.
S-45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).


Preparing Cargo Holds for loading Grain depends on the previous cargo.
1. Cargo Holds must be thoroughly cleaned and dry and trace of previous cargo in frames, beams, girders, and other structure.
2. There should not be any loose rust and or paint scale anywhere in the Cargo Holds, Bulkheads, upper and lower hopper spaces, underneath of Hatch Covers and tank top.
3. There should not be traces of live & dead insect & weevils.
4. Bilge covers should be cleaned of any cargo residues and have enough drain holes. Bilge cover needs to be grain tight but not watertight.
5. Bilge well should be cleaned of previous cargo dray and odour free.
6. Bilge suction should be operational at all the times. 
Removal of cargo residue:
Air Blow from top using high pressure air to reach all accessible corners. Cargo to be swept, scrapped & collected in a drum. Attention to be given
• Australian ladder and its platforms and stanchions
• Beams and girders under cross decks
• Frames, beams, girders, and other structure
• Large pipes holding brackets behind the pipes
Then Cleaning and sweeping coal cargo from the hold as maximum possible by HELPER / Crew member
Loose Rust & Paint Scale:
A sharp hand scraper shall be used to take off the peeling rust & paint scale Special attention to following areas:
• Australian ladder and its platforms, hand rails and stanchions
• Australian ladder and its platforms and stanchions
• Beams and girders under cross decks
• Frames, beams, girders, and other structure
• Large pipes holding brackets behind the pipes
• Hatch coamings and under hatch covers
• Booby hatches & cover
Tank top loose rust
Tank top should be free of loose rust and cargo residue
Any rust which can be scraped by hand scrapers should be removed.
The tank top should be rinsed with fresh water
Cleanliness of cargo hold bilges
Hold bilges must be cleaned thoroughly to remove all residue, rust particles and cargo stains etc.
The filter (Rose Box) must be cleaned thoroughly
The bilge well sections shall be washed with continuous running of sea water to remove all odour and later rinsed with fresh water
Product Technical Specification: 
Tips for Hold cleaning - Prior to high pressure hold washing, excess cargo residue on the tank top should be removed by hand sweeping and lifted out of the holds via the use of a portable mucking winch.  After all excessive cargo residue has been removed then the holds can be washed with salt water using a highpressure hold cleaning gun, supplemented by the deck air line to provide increased pressure. This is the most commonly used method of hold cleaning. Then use ALKAATUFF High Foam CLEANER hold cleaning Marine Chemicals. Cleaning Chemicals; Cargo Hold Cleaning detergent to get optimum result.
Hold Cleaning Preparation and Method : 
Preparing Cargo Holds for loading Grain depends on the previous cargo.
1. Cargo Holds must be thoroughly cleaned and dry and trace of previous cargo in frames,
beams, girders, and other structure.
2. There should not be any loose rust and or paint scale anywhere in the Cargo Holds,
Bulkheads, upper and lower hopper spaces, underneath of Hatch Covers and tank top.
3. There should not be traces of live & dead insect & weevils.
4. Bilge covers should be cleaned of any cargo residues and have enough drain holes. Bilge
cover needs to be grain tight but not watertight.
5. Bilge well should be cleaned of previous cargo dray and odour free.
6. Bilge suction should be operational at all the times. 

Removal of cargo residue:

Air Blow from top using high pressure air to reach all accessible corners. Cargo to be swept,
scrapped & collected in a drum. Attention to be given
• Australian ladder and its platforms and stanchions
• Beams and girders under cross decks
• Frames, beams, girders, and other structure
• Large pipes holding brackets behind the pipes
Then Cleaning and sweeping coal cargo from the hold  as maximum possible by HELPER / Crew member

Loose Rust & Paint Scale:

A sharp hand scraper shall be used to take off the peeling rust & paint scale
Special attention to following areas:
• Australian ladder and its platforms, hand rails and stanchions
• Australian ladder and its platforms and stanchions
• Beams and girders under cross decks
• Frames, beams, girders, and other structure
• Large pipes holding brackets behind the pipes
• Hatch coamings and under hatch covers
• Booby hatches & cover
Tank top loose rust
Tank top should be free of loose rust and cargo residue
Any rust which can be scraped by hand scrapers should be removed.
The tank top should be rinsed with fresh water

Cleanliness of cargo hold bilges : 

Hold bilges must be cleaned thoroughly to remove all residue, rust particles and cargo stains etc.
The filter (Rose Box) must be cleaned thoroughly
The bilge well sections shall be washed with continuous running of sea water to remove all odour and later rinsed with fresh water

ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER for bulk carrier cargo hold cleaning alkaline detergent, Other then ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER cargo hold cleaning chemicals lime washing chemicals for cargo holds and pet coke cargo hold washing detergent also popular for specificed lime and and pet cargo. We are also keeping ready stock of cement hold cleaning chemicals, Hold Block - Slip polymer Barrier Coat, Hold Wash etc...

Suitable hold cleaner plays important role to clean ship hold on time. Slection of cleaner always be wise decision to save time and perfectness on cleaning.  ALKAATUFF High Foam HOLD CLEANING ALKALINE DETERGENT - Alkatuff is one of popular high foam alkaline cleaner which is also treated as versatile cleaner as well as plays role to neutralize acidic residue created by cargo on contact with moisture. Cement remover is also specialized product for cement wash, coal remover, lime remover, Bilge coat, Gypsum remover, PCS hold clean, alkaline cleaner, Muriatic Acid, Sodium Hypo Chlorite, Pet coke remover, Slip polymer Barrier Coat Hold Block etc... Some times we observed that presence of Sea voyage cleaner on board also plays important role to degrease oil and soiled mass from surface. And Metal clean bright helps to remove rust from open hold surface area and also effective to dissolve rust stain from painted surface.

Cargo Product 

Product Nature



Alkaline Cleaner

Alkaline Cleaner, ALKAATUFF, Holdbrite

Anthracite - Hard Coal 

Alkaline Cleaner



Alkaline Cleaner



Alkaline Cleaner


Chrome Ore

Alkaline Cleaner

Alkaline Cleaner, ALKAATUFF


Alkaline Cleaner

Alkaline Cleaner, ALKAATUFF


Alkaline Cleaner


Fluorspar - Calcium Fluoride, Fluorite Alkaline non foaming cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Gypsum - Calsium Sulfate, Mineral White Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Iron Ore Pellets Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Lime Sand, Lime Stone, Calcium Carbonate Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Magnesite Magnesium Carboante Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Magnetite IRON BLACK Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Magnese Ore Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Zinc Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Lead Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Copper Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Pyrite Iron Disulfide, Iron Pyrite, Pyrox Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Phosphate Rock Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Quartz, Silicone Dioxide, stone Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Talk, Magnesium Talc, Soapstone Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Vanadium Ore Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Aluminum Dross Alkaline non foaming cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Ferro Alloys Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Granulated Slag Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Hot Briquetted Iron HBI Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Magnesite, Magnesium Oxide Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Millscale Iron ORE Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
PIG IRON Acidic Cleaner Metal CLEAN Bright
Zinc Ashes Alkaline foaming cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Zinc Dross Alkaline foaming cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Zinc Residues Alkaline foaming cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Brown Coal Briquettes, Lignite Brown Coal briquetties Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Calcined Petroleum Coke Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Coal, COKE, Petcoke - Petroleum coke Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Castor Beans Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Copra Dry Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Fish Meal Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Peat Moss Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Seed Cake, Solvent Extracted Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Soya Beans Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Sunflower Seed Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
Wheat Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam
CEMENT Acidic Cleaner Cement Remover, Metal clean Bright, Descaing
Cement Clinker Acidic Cleaner Cement Remover, Metal clean Bright, Descaing
Fly Ash Alkaline Cleaner ALKAATUFF High Foam

Cargo Hold Cleaner, Bulk Hold cleaning etergent, Chemical Agent for hold cleaning, Hold Cleaning Kits detergent

Importance of Alkaleen Safety Liquid / ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER Cargo hold cleaner for coal and pet coke:

Alkaatuff High foam and ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER / Alkaleen Safety Liquid cleaner is most common marine cleaning chemicals for cargo hold cleaning after coal and pet coke. 
Two Major Benefit of cleaning of Pet Coke:- 
Pet coke residue contains oil content, which is creating more difficulties during the cleaning operation. ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER high foam and one of our specialized product called Alkaleen Safety Liquid which is absolutely non-hazardous and biodegradable cleaner. 
Petcokes also have sulphur content which is the main cause of corrosion due to its electrochemical corrosion mechanism. In presence of moisture and sulfur metal surface charges as anodic and damaging the hold paint due to electrical ion charges. Here presence of Alkaleen Safety Liquid / ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER increasing the alkaline effect and neutralizes the effect of Sulphur.


Ship marine hold cleaning chemicals

ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER most suitable for cargo hold and tank cleaning.

ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER plays very important role during ship hold cleaning , Its high foam abilityincreasing ALKAATUFF cleaning power on the vertical surface, As liquid product can't sustain on the vertical surface while HIGH composite FOAM can sustain on the surface which is resulting from good cleaning effect. 
Extra foaming is major features which is differentiating ALKAATUFF high foam to general ALKAATUFF.

ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER using procedure and cleaning method : 
1st Step Cleaning of extra and excess loose particle::: 
Before applying  ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER on hold surface, Makes sure extra loose cargo particle should be removed manually or Air blown method. Then cleaning procedure can be followed either by high foam machine or Manual. 
2nd step is for Mixing and dilution of ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER:::
If cleaning step is with HP machine ( High Pressure ), Then mix concentrated ALKAATUFF high foam with fresh water, it can be diluted 1 Ltrs ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER CLEANER with 4 to 5 Ltrs Fresh water.  

If cleaning step followed by hand spray, Then apply ALKAATUFF high foam neat on the surface. Approx  1 ltr covers 10 to 12 square meter. 

3rd Step final procedure::: 

Leave for about 30 – 45 minutes. The surface remains wet. Wash down with hot water at around 80 - 90 degree. Rinsing procedure can be repeated 1 to 3 times if required for Cargo Tank and Cargo Hold Cleaning.

#MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant
#Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirCoolerCleaner #CarbonRemover #ScaleRemover #ActivatedAlumina #ActivatedCarbon #SilicaGel #Degreaser_Biodegradable
#DieselExhaustFluid #BlueLiquid #ToiletBlueWater_Juice #RigWash #OxygenScavenger #CoolingWaterTreatment #RoccorNB #CorrosionInhibitor #CalciumChloride #DIwater
#AlumPowder #MagnesiumSulphate #SodaAsh #SulfamicAcid #PotassiumChloride

ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER supplier in Mumbai, Nhava Seva, Pirpav, Surat - Hazira, Kandla - Gandhidham, Sikka - Mundra, Manglore - Goa, Vizag - Visakhapatnam, Gangavaram, Kakinada, Chennai - Ennore, Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip, Buj buj,  Dubai - Sharjah, Fujairah Middle East

Other Equivalent Brand: 

High Foam ship hold cleaning detergent, CarecleanWAF, Waterbased Alkaline Foam, ALKAATuff High Foam CLEANER, Alkaline Detergent Heavy Duty 220 Kg Liq

Free Delivery / Supply Locations : 
Oman, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah, Ras al Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, Ruwais, Mina (Port) Zayed, Khalifa Port, Kizad, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, DP WORLD, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Khor Fakkan Container Terminal, Port Rashid, Jebel Ali Port, Mina Kalid Port, Khor Fhakan Port ( Khawr Fakkan, Khawr al-Fakkan ), Sharjah Creek, Ajman, Port of Hamriyah, Mina Zayed Port, Mussafah port, Khalifa Port, Umm al-Nar Port, Um Al Quwain Port, Saqr Port, Port of Fujairah, Dibba Port, Jebel Dhanna, Mina Al Hamriya, Mina Rashid, All United Arab Emirates

About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on [email protected] or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates